Valentine’s day is fast approaching and some of us are making plans to celebrate love with our significant other. But remember, it’s the summer season and as much as we love being outdoors and preparing delicious treats, the pesky...
In this blog we look at how to prevent a cockroach infestation. Most of what we’ll touch on is the advice we give to our customers on prevention, because even with the best pest control service in place, infestations will...
By Jason Johnson After a long and freezing winter, I can honestly say that I have never been more excited for spring to make its appearance. The long awaited arrival of the sun signals two things to me: my...
As South Africa prepares itself for lockdown to ease to level 3 next week, even more businesses will be allowed to reopen. But to meet the government’s criteria for reopening, businesses must take every precaution to ensure that the...
Even at the best of times rats are one of the most problematic pests for businesses handling food, and for homes in urban areas with any source of food nearby. Now, during the COVID-19 global pandemic, even rats are...
In October last year, we posted an article about bats, written by Sheryl Gibbons of the Friends of Free Wildlife Association. Sheryl tried to dispell some of the myths surrounding these gentle mammals, including what to do if you...