Valentine’s day is fast approaching and some of us are making plans to celebrate love with our significant other. But remember, it’s the summer season and as much as we love being outdoors and preparing delicious treats, the pesky insects are out in full force just waiting to share the love.
As the famous poet, Elizabeth Barret Browning said: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways”. These are just some of the ways that pests like to show their affection and stay close to us:
1. Pests love to travel with us:
Those of you who love traveling and visiting hotels must be careful to not bring home an unwanted guest! Of course not all hotels have bed bugs – I’m not generalising – but did you know that bed bugs or their eggs attach to clothing or suitcases and are then transported home? Yikes! My romantic weekend getaway does not include sharing my cosy bed with any bed bugs!
If you have however decided to go on a romantic getaway, be sure to leave your luggage lying outside in the sun for a day on your return, and wash your clothes on a hot wash that will kill off the eggs.
2. Pest love to dine with us:
Ever noticed how the minute you start cooking or unwrapping your meal, you have company…the flying kind.
In fact, flies are more than just an annoyance. They can pose a real threat to your friends, family and colleagues as they carry diseases such as dysentery, gastroenteritis and E.Coli. For many businesses, a fly infestation is a cause for real concern. Read more about how to get rid of flies and our exclusive range of Lumnia fly killers for your home and your business.
3. Pests love to snack with us:
Not only do pests love to snack on our left-overs, but they love to squeeze themselves into small spaces such as our office desks and nibble away on our snack stash! The last place I want a surprise visit from Mr Mousy is in my desk drawer.
Did you know that mice can actually squeeze through small spaces of 1cm?! I really need to make sure my snacks are stored in tight containers, not only in the office, but at home too.
4. Pests love to think of themselves as pets:
It seems that pests like to think of themselves as pets, and that means eating poor Fido’s food. They will happily help themselves to your dog’s pellets or your cat’s food.
Tip: be sure to store away your pets’ food in the evenings to ensure that there isn’t that extra temptation for hungry rats scurrying around.
5. Pests love leaving us love signs:
Whilst delving into our sweet supply or frolicking around, rats just love showing us signs of their affection! They leave gnaw marks, smear marks, 40 pieces of poo, and dig rat burrows into their nests, how romantic (not!). I of course find these “love signs” absolutely revolting and think that rats really need to be sent to etiquette school!
To keep rats away, be sure to fit bristle strips underneath doors, seal cracks around windows and be sure to store away food.
Valentine’s Day is a day for celebrating love with your other half, not with pests – so focus on keeping your home and office pest-free for a happy, romantic and pest-free Valentine’s day!
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