Governments around the world, South Africa included, have ordered the shutdown of non-critical businesses and services to reduce the transmission of the Coronavirus and “flatten the curve”. Buildings that are classed as essential services may have a reduced staff...
South Africans are two weeks into our three week lock down period, and Rentokil Initial – as an Essential Services provider – has continued to work through this period, providing critical pest control and hygiene services to other essential services...
Pest infestations have always been a big risk for businesses: they damage stock, disrupt operations and pose a major threat to health, safety and compliance – which is why we believe that pest control is an essential service (you can...
Flies. The bane of many a manufacturer/restaurateur/ hotelier’s existence, and as such a frequent topic here on deBugged. We’ve looked at why integrated fly control is so important, as well as topics like fly control advice for Hoteliers and the...
Have you ever stopped to consider what it would cost (financially and reputationally) if you were to experience a fly infestation in your business? Rentokil understands how challenging implementing an integrated fly control program can be, and how much...
There are roughly 16,000 types of fly species in Southern Africa, but the three most common flies affecting pubs, bars, restaurants, and other food establishments are house flies, bluebottles and – the most irritating of all – fruit flies....