Summer is finally here and in the midst of all the summertime merriment that’s sure to occur, we’ll be met with an all too familiar sound… the buzz that signals the start of sleepless nights, at the mercy of the troublesome mosquito.
Why Do Mosquitoes Like Biting Me?
That’s a question I used to ask myself as I’d always be the one who fell victim to their vampiric ways. The truth is that mosquitoes do, in fact, like some people more than others, so you can at least rest assured that it’s not all in your head. Dr Jonathan Day, an entomologist and mosquito expert at the University of Florida, confirms that some people produce more of a certain chemical (such as lactic acid) and those are the chemicals that attract mosquitoes. Think of it as a natural cologne, giving off a mosquito-alluring aroma. Day mentions that the CO2 emitted from your body is also a great contributor to you being a hot topic amongst the local mosquito population.
What Happens When A Mosquito Bites You
Mosquitoes bite you by piercing your skin using its proboscis, which is an elongated mouthpart used to draw blood. While the mosquito draws blood, it injects saliva into your skin, which then results in the itchy red bump you see afterwards.
The Threat Of Mosquitoes
Why is a little bite a cause for concern? Well, mosquitoes are considered to be the most deadly creatures on the planet. According to, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that mosquitoes kill more than one million people a year through the transmission of Malaria alone, and that’s not to mention deaths from other mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika and Dengue that were a huge problem not too long ago.
Tips On How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes Naturally:
Build a mosquito trap:
A good way to lure Mosquitoes away is by building a mosquito trap containing a sugar and yeast blend. The best way to do this is to cut the top off a 2-litre cooldrink bottle, turn it upside down and place it inside the bottle, so that it resembles a funnel. Mix a cup of sugar and a cup of water together, along with a teaspoon of yeast. Bring one cup of water to the boil and combine it with the sugar mixture. Pour this down the funnel you have created and seal the two parts of the bottle with tape. Voila! A homemade mosquito trap.
It’s recommended to leave this contraption in a dark and humid area for at least two weeks. Replace the solution with a fresh batch every two weeks as well.
DIY Mosquito Repellent:
There are many homemade mosquito repellents one can piece together to ward off mosquitoes. Many people claim that leaving a saucer of dishwashing soap close to the area you want to keep mosquito free does the trick. In addition, herbal remedies such as peppermint oil, lemon eucalyptus oil, witch-hazel and vanilla extract are also useful anti mosquito solutions when applied to the skin. Citronella candles are also very effective in warding off mosquitoes.
Plants that repel mosquitoes:
If you have green fingers, this solution should brighten up your garden while repelling the pest. Placing garlic and lavender plants around your home is considered a useful deterrent for mosquitoes. Plants such as marigold, catnip, rosemary, peppermint and ageratum also work well as a mosquito repellent.
Trim the weeds in and around your garden:
Mosquitoes spend their days lying low in grass and weeds, which provide them with the high level of humidity they need to avoid drying out. Make sure to keep your garden trimmed to give these annoying bugs fewer places to hide.
Be sure to remove stagnant water
Mosquitoes love breeding in warm and damp conditions, and still-standing water provides them with the perfect spot to do this. Check around your property to make sure that trenches are not blocked, and drains are clear and running. If you suspect that mosquitoes might be breeding in these places, treat them with bleach. Also make sure not to leave containers around the garden that can fill up with water and stagnate.
Alternative Mosquito control
Lumnia Slim
Should you have a persistent problem and are tired of the DIY remedies you should install the Lumnia Slim fly control unit, it is a highly effective, elegant and discreet insect light trap that is designed to attract and kill not only mosquitoes but also its equally annoying cousin – the house fly!
These remedies should help keep mosquitoes away without the use of harmful chemicals.
To keep up to date with pest control by subscribing to our blog. Or contact us today if you have a mosquito problem.
Where is it recommended to place the sugar & yeast mixture to trap mosquitos? Is the carbon dioxide safe in the house?
Hi Mlungisi
I would recommend placing this mixture on a sturdy surface (where it can’t be knocked over) such as a windowsill, desk or counter, or on the floor in areas where you have noticed mosquito activity. Good thinking about the carbon dioxide – mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, and as us humans exhale CO2, it makes them drawn to us, unfortunately! Since you are using a sugar and yeast mixture, I wouldn’t say that this would be harmful to use.
The sugar and yeast mixture is not always effective in getting rid of mosquitoes, but you can also try natural repellents such as peppermint oil, garlic, citronella and lavendar to prevent mosquitoes from annoying you. Also be sure to eliminate standing water around your home as mosquitoes breed in still standing water, and close windows after dark or switch off the lights as to not attract them indoors. More tips here>
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,